Monday, January 25, 2016

"There Wasn't Any Drama"

This was the reason given by someone why last week's FIRE & WATER Winter Retreat was the best one they had been on.

Now on the surface, that can seem really petty small. In a weekend away with God and people trying to get to know Him better, the absence of girls and boys acting stupid about dating and relationships doesn't seem like a big thing. But in reality, it is.

So many things are tied up in our understanding and view of God. How we act, how others act, how we feel at the time, the amount of sleep we are getting, even if someone said hello to me can seem really small but in many ways it can make a difference in our experience with God today.

That's why we need to be doing what Pastor Kevin said on Sunday, be living lives of worship all the time, even in the little things. Because if we live a life that all-encompasses what it means to be a disciple of Christ, even down to the little things, not only will we have an easier time seeing God but others will have an easier time seeing God in us.

Ditch the drama, stay with Papa.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Done Resolutions

It's been a week, how many resolutions are already gone?

Don't make resolutions, make changes. There's a big difference.

If you want to know God better this year, don't resolve to do it. Make changes in your life that will allow you to do it.


Monday, January 04, 2016

Letting Go

Last week FIRE & WATER's Mystery Adventure was ice skating. We've been talking about going for a while and on this day we hit the ice. Sometimes literally.

For two students, that was a real fear. They has never been ice skating before. Being Canadian, it's something I've done all my life and have no problem explaining to others. But there is one fundamental issue everyone has to overcome, and these two students were polar opposites.

The biggest hurdle you have to overcome: Let go of the boards.

That wall is safety. Away is danger, falling, cold, even pain. So people hold on to the boards. The problem is, you can't skate holding onto the boards. You have to let go. One student, no problem. They were covered in ice and snow, their legs wet, for a while they fell every two steps. By the end of the day they were nowhere near a pro, but they were much better and even had a little bit of speed in their stride. The other student, it took a lot more to get them away from the wall. I may have taken them by the hand, dragged them out and let them go...

But isn't that what it's like with Jesus? We hear all the analogies of stepping out of the boat. We can't truly follow Jesus and be His disciple and still hold onto our safety rails, whatever they may be. And it may hurt, and we may fall. But Jesus is okay with that, if He wasn't He wouldn't be the one to drag us out and let go.

The only way to skate is to let go of the boards. The only way to follow Jesus is to let go of whatever it is that you're holding onto instead of Him...