Okay, so I saw Narnia tonight and thought it was great. Yes, it was Disney so some of the dark parts weren't quite as dark as they could have been, but they were still nasty nonetheless and had people in the theatre crying, etc. And it was in one of those dark scenes something hit me (as occasionally does during movies).
Except this time it was about the Bible. Straight forward. When Aslan is heading to the Stone Table, Lucy and Susan walk with him, keeping him company. Then, after the nights ordeal, it is Lucy and Susan that stay with him for the night. It was when Lucy kept trying to stay with Aslan through all the ugliness it hit me.
I understand a little more why John (the gospel writer) is nicknamed, "The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved". On the night Jesus was betrayed, everyone leaves. They all run. The guys who had been with Him for years and said they would stay through thick and thin, where did they go? Anywhere. They all ran. All but one.
In John 19, John recounts how when Jesus was on the cross, he was the only disciple left. Jesus even adopted him into the family with Mary being his mom at this point. At a time when everything was horrible and evil, when Christ had to take on what no other person could, the sin of the entire world, having His relationship with God shattered, one that was so strong I can only hope and imagine what it would be like, it was in that darkest hour that John stayed with Him. John followed Jesus while He carried the cross and John stayed at his feet amidst persecution for the One he loved. We sing a song that Jesus is our Best Friend, I only wish I could live up to it on my end.
Go see the movie.
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