Have you ever noticed that some Christians seem to pick and choose what parts of the Bible are important? They decide what needs to be followed, what parts are relevant, in some circles, even what parts are what Jesus really said. Isn't kind of stupid that sometimes we follow certain passages to the letter, while others we let slide.
So what prompted this post? Ready for this? For centuries in Europe, people would not eat potatoes. That's right, that vegetable you make fries out of. Was it the taste? Nope, nothing wrong with that. Were they poisonous? Wrong again, they were perfectly healthy. So why wouldn't people eat them? Because they are not mentioned in the Bible. Nowhere anywhere in our Holy Book is that ground covered veggie brought up. So, since it wasn't in the Bible, they could not be eaten.
Doesn't that seem funny to you? "We won't eat that because it's not in the Bible." Cars aren't in the Bible, should we stop driving them? What about airplanes, computers... twinkies! Nope, shouldn't be a part of any of that, they're not mentioned in the Bible. But the Bible does mention things like spending time daily with God, refraining from immorality, even if something causes your friend to think wrong thoughts or want to do something wrong, you shouldn't do it. What about those parts? Do you think those potato boycotters were living out those passages?
But at least they didn't eat an unmentioned unholy food like potatoes...
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