It's a little earlier today, but I know I'll have to get to bed right away tonight to get up early tomorrow, and I read this a few minutes ago and it's still ringing in my head.
So here's the story. Jesus has gone out and done a few miracles. He then goes home for a while and they ask Him to teach at the temple. He goes in and reads this Scripture:
The Lord has put his Spirit in me, because he appointed me to tell the Good News to the poor. He has sent me to tell the captives they are free and to tell the blind that they can see again. God sent me to free those who have been treated unfairly and to announce the time when the Lord will show his kindness."
Then you know what Jesus does? He sits down. That's it. He doesn't get up and go crazy, He doesn't preach about who He is and what everyone should do. He calmly goes to His seat and just sits there. How many preachers you ever seen on a Sunday morning read the Bible verse than just sit? Wouldn't that be a change?
And the funny part is it's obvious to everyone what the Scripture is about. It's about Jesus! He was reading about Himself. Still says nothing. Not until everyone is staring at Him. Then He simply says, "Yeah, that's me," and still does nothing. The people want Him to prove it, and He sits. They want Jesus to heal somebody so they know for sure it's Him, but God's ego isn't bruised. He just sits.
How often would we be able to be quiet when we deserve the accolades? How many people in our world humbly accept the greatness in them? Or are they shouting little insignificant triumphs to the world to build themselves up?
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