I was reading a book by Dick Staub tonight and he mentioned something interesting that got me thinking. He in passing mentioned how the Bible ends differently than most other myths, one being that of Santa, and it go me thinking. Who do we believe in?
Let's start with Santa Claus. He is invisible. Never seen. You cannot know him. He lives far away and will never answer you back however hard you try to listen. But he will listen to you. You can write him, talk to him, but he isn't interested in conversation. The only topic of discussion is what you want from him, nothing more. And then, once a year, he answers in the form of a gift, something he hired someone else to make for you. Now how do you get your gift? You earn it. It is all based on what you did. Where you naughty or nice? The gift is all based on what you deserve. You have to do the right thing to win Santa's favor. And that is all there is to it. No relationship. No love. Minimal communication with someone who wants no communication with you. He just wants you to earn the gift he has for you.
But look at Jesus. There is no earning of love. It's already yours. He merely wants you to share in the love. To talk with Him, to be with Him. Membership into heaven is not decided by what you did. Unlike Santa's list, His list is not filled with those that did well. It's filled with those who knew Him. Jesus is more interested in knowing you and loving you than giving you what you want (sometimes He has something even better to give than we think). Jesus doesn't appear once a year. He wants to be with you every second of the year, all 30 758 400 of them. He is not distant, but is with you everywhere you go and he is a part of everything you do, if you'll let Him. Instead of earning a gift, it's all about knowing The Gift...
So which do you believe in? Switch the names around and see which one applies to your beliefs. Look at the way you pray, how you live your life, than take a good hard look and ask yourself if Jesus is merely Santa to you...
btw, I'm trying to find scenes in "The Passion Of The Christ" for my sermon Sunday. I'm purposely looking for ones that are flashbacks, not of beatings, and still, in fast forward, I want to cry...
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