Sunday, October 01, 2006

One Generation Is All It Takes...

If you're looking for a fun book to read, go to Judges in the Bible. It's like Lord of the Rings with not as many creatures.

Anyway, there's a common thread in the book (not to give it all away for you). Almost every story ends with God using someone to do something amazing, and almost every time the next chapter starts with Israel doing evil in the eyes of the Lord. I've read this book a few times, I like it, and I always wonder why they forget so easily. God does something amazing and a few years later, no one remembers it. Then this morning I saw this verse.

They're talking about Joshua dying, and all the people who were with him when they take over all of the land that is now Israel. Judges 2:10 -> "After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers [means "after they had died"], another generation grew up, who neither knew the Lord or what He had done for Israel."

One generation. One age of people. That's all it takes for us to forget God. Don't believe me? Look at America right now. How long did it take us to go from prayer in school to guns in school? 30, 40 years? This generation is quickly becoming the one to forget God. So there's two things to this. One, don't be the generation to forget God. Tell your friends, live for Him, do everything you can so we don't turn our backs on God in one fail swoop.

But the other responsibility is to myself and the parents of this generation. How is it possible that one generation does all these amazing things for God and the next one knows nothing about it? The older generation never told them. Those guys in Judges may have done great things, but they never told their kids who God was. Otherwise, the children would have known what God did through their parents.

So fight for this generation, both from the inside and the outside. Don't let it be the one the forgets who God is and what He has done.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree