Hey all, I'm going to Canada for a few days, so I won't be on for a while. A parting thought for you though...
Reading today, a good thing to do, I came across this. Most people know what Absolute Truth is, something that's true no matter what. The problem is in today's world, we seem to try and get rid of it, saying there are no Absolutes. Somehow, we have become scared of something being true no matter what, like it traps us and shoves us in a corner we can't get out of.
But here's the catcher. The word absolute comes from Latin, the word is Absolvere and it means to "set free". These truths are meant to bind us up and hold us down, Absolute Truths were named so because they set us free. Now where have I heard before that the truth will set you free...?
(Oh yeah)
"If you continui in My Word, you are truly My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth witll make you free." ~ Jesus
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