Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Winter Retreat Highlights

We're back, most of us in one piece, and we have had another Winter Retreat. Honestly, I thought this was the best one yet. Some highlights for me:

~the Cave being so huge!
~the bitter cold on the first night (by the time we left I was sweating)
~hitting the rock hard ground on the first play in football
~having a room full of smoke thanks to the flue
~people singing so loudly I could barely hear myself (that was awesome)
~talking to many people I didn't know so well
~having both Katelyns on my football team, and both helping us win!
~seeing Taylor in his full camo
~beating Shawn at carpet ball, even if it was the only game I won all weekend
~having my air mattress deflate during the night, rolling around at 2:00am like a fish stuck in it half-inflated
~lots and lots of food
~talking to the adults who are continually amazed at the spiritual depth of students
~giving people a chance to slow down and walk in nature, and them enjoying it!
~fighting with Liz's projector for 90 minutes (I"m still going to figure it out)
~the boys leaving as reigning champions of Four On A Couch
~talking about/with God for so much time (I love it)
~Taylor not playing drums for 1/2 of "I Want To Go Up"
~winning Capture The Flag (Pastor Aaron was in jail for almost an hour)
~watching Sarah play football for the first time, starting out not knowing the rules and ducking when the ball came near her to by the end having 4 "tackles", 3 receptions and a touchdown
~seeing people thinking as they read the Bible and learn Spiritual Truths
~hiding in sardines for 40 minutes with no one finding me, even though I was 20 feet from where we started.
~the lovely faces of certain non-morning people at breakfast
~getting beat in euchre 10-2 (we sucked)
~talking with Mr. Patterson, someone who has never been on a trip with us before, hearing what he thought and how he enjoyed the weekend
~watching Carrie run full tilt into a big cement chair during sneak (hey, she won)
~pouring salt in people's cereal, and them getting back at me (the hot sauce in the chili was good)
~the brownies and ice cream made by loving adults
~watching the Jr. High faces when going over the rules "Oh, and no sex. I don't have to explain that, do I?"

There's a short list, if you want to add your own, give your two cents at the discussion board at www.fumcfireandwater.com


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