Today I was reading a story about Hezekiah in the book of Isaiah. I've read it before, but with all the financial problems in America right now, it kind of had a new twist to me.
The back story, Hezekiah is the king of Judah and is about to die. He prays for God to heal him, so God does, giving him fifteen more years to live. Hezekiah happy.
Now the king of Babylon (right now starting out, one day super-power that will enslave Judah) hears about King Hezekiah's miraculous discovery and sends the king a gift. Nice gesture. So King Hezekiah in his thanks and ego for being healed shows the envoys (the guys who brought the gifts) around the entire palace, including the royal storehouses of gold and silver, all the expensive gifts given to God in the temple, etc.
Why did he flaunt his wealth? He's an idiot. But that's not the worst part. Isaiah comes to visit and tells the king that because he did this, one day in the future all of this wealth will be carried away. Even chldren born to the king will be taken as slaves. And after hearing this doomsday prophecy, here's Hezekiah's reaction:
Hezekiah told Isaiah, “These words from the Lord are good.” He said this because he thought, “There will be peace and security in my lifetime.” ~ Isaiah 39:8
He thought "no problem" because it doesn't directly affect him. Now does that sound like America?
"There's not enough oil to sustain the way you live."
"But there's enough for me now, right? So I can still drive my H3, right?"
Something to think about...
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