Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Little Things

I don't know what it is, but lately I've seen things that could (or do) go wrong in such a big way, but it all traces back to doing something little, just doing it right.

Kind of like the architect who built a library but didn't account for the weight of the books. Sadly, I've heard the story has happened in more than one place (you think they'd learn from one person's mistakes) but the story is the same every time. Someone designs a building. Beautiful. Then they build it. Also beautiful. But then they put the books in the library, and if you're like me and have moved a lot and read a lot, you know that books are heavy. And the story goes that each time the library had to be shut down or its purpose changed because it could not handle the weight of all the books. A little detail that changed the whole design.

If we simply do well with the little things first, the big things work themselves out. After all, there really is nothing big in our world, just big piles of little. The biggest pyramid is nothing but a lot of little bricks (but you need them all and they all need to be in the right place).

Even God thinks this way. From Jesus:

Luke 16:10a ~ “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones." (NLT)

So start taking the little things seriously, at work, at home, wherever. It makes a big difference.


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