Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Poison Ivy

Friday was our annual Promotion Lock-In, we have fun at the church celebrating the last day of school and welcome our new freshmen (although most of you stayed home, what's up with that?)

Well, late Friday night I noticed a rash starting to form on my right ear. It was a little annoying, but whatever. The next morning it was on my forehead, then my other ear. It felt familiar but there was no way. No stinking way...

Yep, poison ivy. I managed to get poison ivy on Friday afternoon without ever going outside! I caught it in the youth room (to put minds at ease, yes it is possible because you get poison ivy from the oils of the plant. If someone brings the oil with them on some clothing or something and brushes against the youth room furniture, there's your poison ivy. However, it doesn't last forever, it will dry out and the youth room has been cleaned).

The part that frustrated me (and Lorie) is that I wasn't even outside. I didn't do anything to get poison ivy. Last time I had it, yeah, I was playing in the bush crawling through it in the middle of the night. This time, nothing.

But it made me think about our spiritual lives. We are told to avoid sin at all costs, but do you ever notice how things just seem to slip in? Accidentally seeing something on the internet, flipping channels, even visiting a friend who is doing something wrong and convinces you to join. It just seems to be everywhere. And sometimes we don't even know it.

Hebrews 12:1b ~ Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. (NLT)


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