Thursday, July 09, 2009

Are You Shutting People Out?

This morning I rad the story of the paralyzed man that was lowered through the roof. If you don't know the story (Mark 2), Jesus is staying at this house, people find out He's there and crowd in to hear His teaching (He can't even get a day off). Then this guy who is paralyzed is brought by his four friends to let Jesus heal him. They can't get in so they cut a hole in the roof and lower the guy down in front of Jesus. Jesus heals him, they leave happy, it's all good.

I've heard that story so many times growing up. It's always the same, the faith of the paralyzed man and the persistence of his friends is the story. But I think there's so much more to it than that. One thing I want to know, why did no one let the guy through?

All the people there, they were listening to Jesus' teachings. This is pretty much like a Home Bible Study gone big. Maybe even a church service. So why would these people not let in someone who obviously needs help (he's on a stretcher, that should have been a hint)?

I wonder if the church today has people who need help but we are shutting them out. We don't want to step out of routine, we are so focused on making ourselves holy or our teaching or our spiritual growth we aren't seeing others who need the same, I earned my spot at this church, you haven't earned yours (if you don't think that's true, sit in a different pew at church and see what happens...).

The last thing in the world anyone should feel is neglected or like they don't belong, like they are unwelcome, especially when surrounded by people who say they are full of love and follow the God who is love. Let's not be so focused on our needs, our wants, what we would like God to do for us that we can't step aside and help others discover who God is. Start parting the crowd.


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