Monday, January 04, 2010

Go Dominos

I don't know if you've seen Domino's pizza's new ad campaign, but I love it (

The reason, they understood the need to change. Even though there were many people who loved their pizza, they understand the need to grow, and growth means things will not stay the same (see the blog from last week about perfection).

Sometimes we need to change. We need to grow. Even what we think is perfection needs to be fiddled with.

Yesterday, we had some differences at NewSong. Did I like our service before? Of course! But we can't stay the same. It's impossible. Even styles of worship change and grow. If that weren't true, we'd still be sacrificing goats in a temple, and I'd have to wear really big long flowing robes when I preach next week (yeah, picture that one...)


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