Monday, October 12, 2015

"There's Explaining And There's Showing"

A little while ago Lorie and I finally got around to watching the latest Hunger Games movie. We wait until we get to see it for free on TV.

But I wrote down this quote from the beginning of the movie. Katniss isn't "all in" for the war that's coming and one of the superiors suggests taking Katniss to her home so she can see what was done. It had been destroyed, and she had heard the stories about its destruction, but she needed a little nudge to join the fight. And that's where this line came in.

There's explaining and there's showing.

Here's my question, how many of us are explaining our faith? We tell what we believe, we talk about it, and we don't understand why the love of Jesus falls on deaf ears. Maybe it's because there's a difference between explaining and showing. What if you instead of explaining Christ to those you want to share Him with you showed them Christ? Serving them, loving them, giving to them expecting nothing in return.

We as the Church really need to stop explaining and start showing.


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