Monday, October 30, 2017

We Shouldn't Exist

That's part of the conclusion in a latest experiment in Europe. You can read about it here.

That's the thing about miracles, they don't always make sense...


Monday, October 23, 2017

Egg Nog

I love egg nog. I mean really love it. It's fantastic. It's one of those drinks that warms my heart and hurts it at the same time. It's fantastic.

The other day I saw it in stores. Already. It's the middle of October and egg nog is for sale!

And that is horrible.

Why? Because I love egg nog. Every year the same thing happens. I see egg nog on sale for the first time that year. I quickly buy some to drink of it's liquid gold. Lorie says she will have a bit, but usually has half a cup and doesn't want any more. That's more for me. So much more. Too much more. And after downing a half gallon of nog in under 24 hours I get tired of it. So tired of it I don't drink it again for the season. When Christmas rolls around the drink that reminds me of my childhood repulses me because I drank too much too soon. I couldn't wait.

I wonder if this is part of the reason God takes His time blessing us or telling us His plans. Do I treat His gifts like egg nog, I see it and need it now, as much as possible in the quickest amount of time?

I'm trying to wait this year, but it's hard. Egg nog is soooo good.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Do You Recognize?

I had my Bible open on my computer and there was a note at the bottom that caught my eye. It was a part of Mark 6:54:

Immediately the people recognized Jesus

And it hit me. Do we recognize Jesus? I know I bug people about that all the time in my world, but seriously. If Jesus were in your life today would you recognize Him? Or is He already?

I hope I would, but it just reiterates to me the importance of knowing Jesus, so I will be able to recognize Him...


Monday, October 09, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving, so my social media is full of posts of people saying what they are thankful again. In two months the same thing will happen with my American friends and family.

But why do we only do this twice a year?

What do you think our lives would look like, even our online lives, if we were to post or share something that we are thankful for every week, maybe even every day? Forget how it would change others, how would it change you?

Being thankful is a choice and exercising it is like exercising any other muscle, it will get stronger the more you do it.

Be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus. ~ I Thessalonians 5:18 (TEV)


Monday, October 02, 2017

We Love It So Much We Choose To Be Busy

I haven't written a blog in two weeks (sorry). I realize that I missed it and I miss writing, it's fun for me. But the last few weeks have been full of a new Bible Study, Pumpkins arriving and a new laptop (which is working, yay).

But this time of year reminds me that we only have so much time to spend. I remember talking with the students about this a while back, I hate the phrase "make time". You can't make time. It's impossible. You can only choose how you want to spend the time you have.

And you will spend it on what's important to you. When there are multiple things we love, we choose to be busier. Don't complain to me about how busy you are in band, you signed up for it, you choose to be there, you do it because you love it. If you're too buys, quit.

But they don't quit. Why? They love it.

When you love something you will figure out how to spend more time on it.

So what do you love?