Monday, October 02, 2017

We Love It So Much We Choose To Be Busy

I haven't written a blog in two weeks (sorry). I realize that I missed it and I miss writing, it's fun for me. But the last few weeks have been full of a new Bible Study, Pumpkins arriving and a new laptop (which is working, yay).

But this time of year reminds me that we only have so much time to spend. I remember talking with the students about this a while back, I hate the phrase "make time". You can't make time. It's impossible. You can only choose how you want to spend the time you have.

And you will spend it on what's important to you. When there are multiple things we love, we choose to be busier. Don't complain to me about how busy you are in band, you signed up for it, you choose to be there, you do it because you love it. If you're too buys, quit.

But they don't quit. Why? They love it.

When you love something you will figure out how to spend more time on it.

So what do you love?


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