Monday, March 05, 2018

The Long Game

The other day I saw a book entitled "30 Days to Understanding the Bible". Sounds great, right? Wouldn't that be a good book?

It's a lie.

Sorry to the authors and I admire what they are trying to do with helping people understand the Bible. That's all well and good. But people spend their entire lives trying to understand the Bible. And they still don't get there. But I'm supposed to believe that in one month I will understand the entirety of God's Word?

I want to understand the Bible. I really do. But I know I can't do it in 30 days. Will books like this help? Of course. But will they deliver on the promise in the title, that I will understand the Bible in the 30 days? Nope. I don't think I could even read the entire Bible in 30 days, let alone add in more time to understand what I'm reading.

Play the long game. Look to understand the Bible but not in a quick fix. Every day growing a little more in your understanding of God's Word, of who Jesus is, of who you are in Christ. That will bring about real understanding, and hopefully real life change.


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