Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Stay at Home Mission Experience - Day 4

Today's blog is brought to you by all jr. highers! But that means they're short and to the point, so enjoy.

Everybody was amazingly helpful when introducing me to mission experience. I loved the fact that everyone is really welcoming and kind. –Braden

Emlyn went to vacuum the creepy room with creepy babies in there because I was too sacred. We painted the coat room in the church and the kitchen next to it. –Meredith

Anna, Daniel, Meredith, and I had to paint the coat room today. Anna was a great sport and helped us with anything that we couldn’t reach or paint with the roller. In the middle of it Anna stepped in the paint can lid 4 times. After we painted the coat room Daniel was unscrewing the light and turned off the lights somehow and Troy saved the day. -Emlyn

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