Sunday, December 04, 2005

Nobody's Perfect

I hope this makes up for missing yesterday. We'll call this morning "late Saturday"...

So here's how my afternoon went. I was trying to make a video to use at church tonight. Scratch that. Made a video for church tonight. Took all afternoon. Then when I was about to leave for youth tonight, my computer froze up. All my hard work, gone. So gone. So mad. That caused me to be late to worship practice (a huge pet peeve of mine, and now I did it) and that threw things even worse. According to me, the night was going to bomb.

And then it happened. We had the second highest number of people at youth group tonight, the highest for a regular Sunday Night activity (the highest was our back to school bash with the balloon jump house and stuff like that). People everywhere! It showed me two things. 1) what would happen if everyone started to invite their friends out to church, there were about five that did so tonight; and 2) that God does not need my perfection. I was ticked off because the night was not going as I had planned. That my perfect video for the perfect night was going to mess things up. God doesn't need my perfection. He's God! He already has enough perfection. Maybe I should have spent more time on other things that freaking out over a stupid video that didn't hinder tonight by not working at all.

Man, what if I had spent the wasted time at my computer praying for tonight and convincing more people to bring their friends...



Anonymous said...

so yeah its like 3 am and of course you know what im doing, but troy you are right i mean you were late yeah but we got set up and worship was awesome atleast i though so and the lesson was good too, lol bball sucked atleast for me but thats another story, hey by the way could we get a youth leadership section on this page or even a message board so we could post stuff for the rest of the youth group? like tonights question about hope your sleeping well ill ttyl


liz simmonds said...

i was sooooo with you on sunday night troy. hmmm...those are some thoughts to think on. what the heck is kyle doing up at 3:04?