Monday, January 09, 2006

Is It Bad luck Or What?

Computer. It has now become a curse word to me. They drive me nuts. Here's why...

In September, Lorie and I decided to get a new computer. We wanted something good, so as hard as it was, we dropped some cash and got one. It crashed within 24 hours.

We were given another one as a replacement. It crashed within 6 hours.

We were then given a downgrade as a replacement because the one we bought was being updated and the new model wasn't out yet and they had sold all the other ones. Scary as it was, that one worked great, but then a few months later we were called to let us know that the our new model was ready and here, so we traded in... again.

Got home, start it up, in the upgrade they took out some components that we used, and not little things, hardware. Had to take it back to get the new parts put in.

New parts not compatible with the new model. So, finally, we asked for our money back and went somewhere else and bought another computer.

It has a 30 day return if there's something wrong, and on Friday, at day 38, the motherboard crashed, a fluke that the store even said they've never seen before and they have to return it back to the manufacturer, so I'm here on my basic 3 year old HP, waiting to see what will happen for computer #6...

Is there a lesson here?


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