Sunday, January 22, 2006

Skiing With No Snow

Ok, so I sit down to do my blog, which I haven't done in a while (sorry), and I realize that I didn't fill everyone in on the ski trip. So here's what happened.

Saturday, after driving in a little bit of snow Friday night to get there, we worked for a whole 4 hours in Evansville on tornado relief. We don't work outside because of the mud, and everything inside we finished, so 4 whole hours. Then, to top it off, Sunday morning at 7:30 the ski hill calls me to tell me they're closed, that's after assuring me Saturday night they'd be open. So what to do?

The kindness of strangers really came through. The people of Evansville and Newburgh were so happy we did that whole 4 hours of work, for the weekend we had free lodging in the Fire Station, free ice skating, unlimited use of an arcade for a little money and unlimited use after hours of a inflatable balloon games place, with free pizza one night, free breakfast, and a discounted breakfast the next day. People were just so thankful we helped that it was almost easy to forget we didn't' go skiing.

If this is how kind needy people who lived through a disaster can be, imagine how kind well-off Christians can be...


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