Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Circle Of Life

Sorry it's been a few days, Lorie and I were in Chicago for the weekend visiting the in-laws (or as Todd calls them, the out-laws).

But while we were there we received a gift from Lorie's sister and husband, a bag of squirrel food. (They didn't want it anymore, and they were trying to give us something we didn't want inside the bag, but that's a different story). This was good because we have some thieving squirrels. They take the feed from our bird feeder and empty it out all over the ground.

So we put out a little squirrel feed for them today (we were trying to coax the baby chipmunk from our flowers) and wouldn't you know it, they never got any. Why? Because the birds started stealing their food. That's right, the birds got back at them by taking their food.

Wouldn't life be so much simpler if animals (and people) took what they needed from where they are supposed to? Novel idea...


1 comment:

liz simmonds said...

what was in the bag they were trying to give you?