Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Do The Right Thing

For those that don't know, our church staff has a blog.


But anyway, on Sunday Kim wrote about how we need to be living with integrity. How that integrity adds to our message of who Christ is.

Now, the hard part about integrity is not what others see. Integrity is started when you can do the right things when no one is looking. I admit, I'm not perfect in this, but even yesterday I had a chance to get stuff for free. The person helping me at Wal-Mart misread my receipt and almost gave me $50 worth of free stuff. No one would have known, even Lorie wasn't around (although she probably would have figured it out when she looked in the back of the car...) but I did what I was supposed to do.

I'm not saying that to say I'm perfect or better. I screw up enough, trust me. But Kim just reminded me that we have to work that much harder on making sure we live out what we say we believe when no one is looking. It's almost like training. When I played baseball, no one saw the work we did in the outfield on Tuesday night, but when the game came on Saturday night, the training was evident. I think it's the same way here. No one will see the right decisions you make in secret, but they will see what you do in public, and it will be easier to live for Christ then if you've done your training before.

Just something to think about. Oh, and thanks to whoever left the note in my mailbox this weekend :)


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