Wednesday, September 13, 2006

African Safari

So this morning Lorie and I were watching Jack Hannah explore the grasslands of Africa. Why? Why not. Anyway, I remember thinking about how I went on safari a long time ago and then it hit me. (this is in no way theological, just something to think about). They showed a group of people having a meal one night in the middle of the safari, all rich Americans out to see new animals.

So why doesn't it work the other way? I mean, we have Americans over touring Africa to see wild animals in their native habitat. Why don't we have Africans running around North America, getting tours through the forest, "Oh, look, a deer!"

I could only think of two reasons. One, we've got too much money. They understand that their money needs to be somewhere better and we do not. Or, we're just really boring. "Look, a rabbit, how exotic!" This hit me too, living in the mountains, the closest thing we have to a safari is hunting excursions. So people go to Africa to see the wildlife and appreciate what God created, everyone else comes here to kill it.



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