Friday, September 22, 2006

Gideon Pt. 2

I know, you've been anxiously waiting all day...

So we've got the story of Gideon and we've got that his mighty army of 300 were all holding torches in one hand, shining lights for God. What was next? The trumpets.

So what's the significance of the trumpet when we are sharing our faith? The trumpet makes noise. The trumpet has been used since as long as we've had trumpets to announce someone's presence (like royalty or an army into battle). Trumpets let you know someone else is here.

You have a life that shines like the torch. Great. So people know you're different. Woo hoo. Do they know why? Do they know it's Jesus Christ living in you? So far all they know is you're different. How are they supposed to now the reason if they aren't told?

Deuteronomy 32:3 - " I will praise the name of the Lord, and His people will tell of his greatness."

I Chronicles 16:24 - "Tell the nations about His glory; tell all peoples the miracles He does."

Psalm 107:21-22 - "Let them give thanks to the Lord for His love and for the miracles He does for people. Let them offer sacrifices to thank Him. With joy they should tell what He has done."

Notice the common theme, telling people about God. Yes, your life should shine like a light in the wilderness, but it has to go a step further. How do you expect people to know why your life shines if no one tells them why? Start a conversation. Tell about the One you love.

To be concluded...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are right i was totally anxiously waiting for this