Tuesday, September 19, 2006

When Is It Not A Game?

So here's the article I was reading this morning...


Now come on, it's a little much. For those that don't have the time to read it (although you have the time to read this...), an instant replay ref in college football missed a call this weekend. Whoopedi do. I know it sucks. I've played sports, but it's all part of the game. No one's perfect. His equipment isn't as good as the NFL or TV. So many different things to throw in. But can fans live with that? No. He not only received death threats but people threatened to kill his wife and kids.

Come on! Is your life so shallow and lonely that all you have is football and when something doesn't go your way you feel the need to actually kill a small child who has nothing to do with it? Some people need to learn to keep life in perspective here. I like football. It's fun. Played it Sunday night. But I don't feel the need to skip church over it (hello, say TiVo), I don't make my wife feel like crap just so I can watch it, and I don't want to kill someone because what I wanted didn't happen.

Isn't it a little egotistical to think that someone's life is not worth as much as the football team you like but are not even a part of?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i dont like football