Thursday, February 12, 2009

Another Perspective

Today we had a group of people come into the church who are building a Family Life Center kind of like ours (its' the same architect, slightly different design). I just happened to be in the gym and was able to talk to them for a few minutes, to answer questions, etc. Nice people.

It just kind of reiterated to me how important it is to get outside input on things, how hearing what someone else sees, even if you don't always follow it, at least knowing and maybe getting ideas from them is a good thing. Like these guys, we talked about our projection system in the Life Center, which is really bad (you can't be close to the stage and still see the screens), and no one would have told them that until I was there. And they even saw some things in our room I hadn't noticed, like the acoustics work (I'm just so used to it).

So whatever you're doing, get an outside opinion. It helps :)

Prov. 15:22 ~ Plans fail without good advice, but they succeed with the advice of many others. (NCV)


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