Monday, January 13, 2014

Good Advice For Going To Church

I know some people have made the resolution to be more involved in worship services on Sunday morning as a part of bettering themselves in 2014. Great! But for those heading to church or youth group or wherever it may be, here's a little verse form Ecclesiastes I was looking at:

Watch your step when you enter God’s house.
        Enter to learn. That’s far better than mindlessly offering a sacrifice,
        Doing more harm than good. (Ecc. 5:1, MSG)

Unfortunately, there are no attendance points in heaven. You don't get better marks with Jesus just for showing up. It's why you show up and what you do when you're there. I want more people to attend Fishers UMC, on Sundays, to the youth ministry, Bible Studies, whatever they may be, but I also want it to be something worthwhile. Look at worship as a chance to learn, not offering the sacrifice of an hour Sunday morning God requires. It will really change worship for you!


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