Saturday, October 28, 2006

When Did It Become So Hard To Read?

I'm not kidding. People in general don't read. I've known lots of people that barely read at all. But why?

Here's how this got into my head. First, I was waiting for my computer to do something today, so I was reading my Bible, and I thought to myself, "Why don't I read more often?" I love the Bible, I loved what I read, I have all sorts of other books I want to read, but I don't read as often as I should (I type this on a computer while watching TV, how bad is that?)

But here's the other half. There was a study done last year. In general, people lose the love of reading at age 9. NINE! Then, they don't start liking reading again until 17, if they read at all.

Are our imaginations so tainted that we can't see what we read past fifth grade? Are words on a page that much of a chore? Look at history. Up until a hundred years ago, that was the primary form of entertainment. We didn't have TV, video games, computers, and unless you were rich or lived in a city (or both), you were unable to be entertained any other way. All you had was books. And look at some of the great books out there! Way better than the movies that are coming out of Hollywood (most of which are based on books anyway!)

So as you read this, finish by going to read something else. Don't let your brain die! And while you're at it, the Bible ain't that bad...

Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. - Joshua 1:8


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like to read troy. i read all the time. just so you know. but i definately should read the bible more. my grandma saw i was reading a book. she was like here is a real love story and she gave me her bible. so i love reading but i should read the bible more.