Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Power Of Music

Today I was listening to one of my favorite online radio stations, movie soundtracks (when I'm at work, it's usually either that or nature sounds, Liz loves that one) and a song came on. Now realize, it's instrumental. It's hard to describe the song, but there's nothing in the tone at the beginning to suggest the tone or what song it is, but I immediately knew what it was. It was in a movie I haven't seen since I was 10, The Natural (it's about baseball). But when I was 10, that's all I did all summer was play/umpire/watch baseball (if I wasn't at church I was playing ball or swimming, or both).

But it's amazing how that works. I heard at most three seconds and I felt happy, I felt like dreaming, and I felt like playing outside. I knew what the song was right away. It just amazes me how music has the power to do that. That's also why I bought a CD last week and still haven't listened to it, I want to make sure everything's right when I do because forever I will be transported back to how I feel when I listen to it.

Anyway, I like music...


1 comment:

liz simmonds said...

i like the nature one...it's fun trying to guess where/what it is!

i totally agree @ music. you can be immediately transported back to the first or a favorite time you were listening to it. thus why the homeschool site i blogged about made me grouchy!