Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Text "Happy Groundhog Day" To...

First, Happy Groundhog Day.

Now for something more fun. Working with teenagers and parents of teens/pre-teens, cell phones seem to always be an issue, especially with the new and improved way of communication, texting. Well here are some statistics from a new Neilsen Report (you can see them at http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/online_mobile/under-aged-texting-usage-and-actual-cost/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+NielsenWireOnlineMobile+%28Nielsen+Wire+%C2%BB+Online+%26+Mobile%29)

For those that don't go, the highlights:
Kids 12 and under with a cell phone send an average of 1,146 texts a month.
For 13-17 year olds, it jumps to 3,146 a month (or 10 every waking hour).

Think we're over texting just a little? Maybe we should hold back a little instead of texting over every little thing. Just a thought...


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