Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Art Is Too Easy

I was online looking for a piece of art that I can't remember the name of (that makes it hard). It depicts Jesus talking with His disciples.

And here's what I found. So many different pictures of Jesus. The classic looks, Him teaching, even Him holding a gun and showing a child how to shoot. And I was thinking who would bother to take the time and do that?

But that's when it hit me, it doesn't take anytime at all. Thanks to Photoshop and other computer programs, it takes a few minutes. Thanks to the internet in seconds millions have access to it. Five hundred years ago a work of art would take hours and years of someone's life, then there would be just the one. No one would make such mocking pictures as we do because quite simply it would be beyond their time.

Isn't it great how technology has made our lives better? And look at how we use it...


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