Saturday, December 17, 2005

Once A Gamer

Today was a two hour delay for H.S.E. and of course, they cancelled well after I was already on my way to McPrayer. Yay. So I get there and James is already there, then Shawn and Stephen show up and we all realize there is no school. So we go to the Myricks and play Halo.

Now years ago, back in the day when 16 bit graphics were amazing and controllers maxed out at 9 buttons, I could play video games. I wasn't that bad. I still have my N64. But today... Oh today... I got killed. Many, many... many times. I felt so ashamed. The old jokes begin. The laughter still hurts (a tear welled in my eye). Man, I was horrible.

I had a friend in Louisiana who I used to play a Quake mod with. We would always go at each other. But I remember him saying that if you don't play every day, just missing one day, you can see yourself slipping and getting worse. And he was right. If you don't play those games every day, you'll start to slip and get a little worse.

I'm not saying go out and play video games every day, but there are some things that if we don't do every day, we can see it slip. I'm not as fast on the guitar as I used to be. I even broke out the N64 to see if I could still handle Goldeneye. Yeah, not as good as I was. Everything in life takes some level of dedication, be it a game, a friendship, even just getting to know God better. If you want to be better at something or know someone better, it takes a lot of time.

Gaming still isn't high on the priorities list, and when I play again, I will get killed again. Repeatedly. But there are some other things I know I have to spend more time on...


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