Wednesday, December 09, 2009

It's Not The List

This Christmas I've noticed something I have not noticed this before (not that it hasn't happened before, but I'm more attentive now). People are obsessed with lists. It's all about getting the list of things someone wants for Christmas.

Now I know I did this too. I remember sitting down with the Sears Wishbook (remember those) and circling what I wanted or I remember giving my list to mom so she could farm it out to everyone.

But I was really thinking about this, is that the spirit of Christmas? It's supposed to be a gift, something special from me to you, not a thing on your list so you get what you want.

I still don't know what the balance is for this. I mean, on one hand if I know you and love you, I'd know what you want. Then again, I know I'm crappy to buy for and I have other people in my life like that too, I want to give them a gift but I have clue what the heck to buy!

I don't know. More pondering, but I hope that when we give gifts this Christmas it won't be to scratch something off the list but to actually give a gift.


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